Life has changed drastically since my last post about Elsie's birth 21 months ago.
We moved to northern Minnesota from central Missouri.
We sold two houses.
We've been fighting Lyme Disease with my husband and drastically changing his diet.
We've homeschooled.
To make a list like this seems to oversimplify what's happened. Huge life changes. Things that I can't even adequately put into words.
But we're still here. Alive. Growing. Changing. Learning.
Life is hard, but God is still good.
Sorry this is vague, but where does one begin with so much to say? I'll try and share more over the summer, if I'm able.
But now for a recipe. I've chosen an old recipe from my old Presidential Cookbook from 1895 to share with you for your viewing pleasure. I haven't made it, but I'd like to sometime. My baking and cooking pursuits have changed as I've figured out how to feed my husband, so I don't do some of the things I used to do. Here it is, as printed in the cookbook.
Jelly Fritters
Make a batter of three eggs, a pint of milk, and a pint bowl of wheat flour or more, beat it light; put a tablespoonful of lard or beef fat in a frying or omelet pan, add a salt spoonful of salt, making it boiling hot, put in the batter by the large spoonful not too close; when one side is a delicate brown, turn the other; when done, take them on to a dish with a d'oyley over it; put a dessertspoonful of firm jelly or jam on each, and serve. A very nice dessert.